Planned and recent seminars/lectures
9th December 08 - Seminar at the Observatoire Océanologique, Villefranche sur Mer
5th November 08 - Seminar at the NOC, Southampton
October 08 - Lecture on Practical session on water masses properties and identification, MSc Course "Introduction to Physical Oceanography" held by H.L. Bryden, NOC, Southampton
September 08 - Lecture on Practical session on water masses properties and identification, ESF MedCLIVAR Summer School on "Climate Variability over the Mediterranean area: Atmospheric and Oceanic Components", Rhodes.
January 07 - Co-teacher during a training course about ADCP currentmeter data processing for the personnel of the Hydrographic Institute of the Italian Navy (jointly with Anna Vetrano and Mireno Borghini, CNR-ISMAR, La Spezia).
Project involvements
Visit to NOC, Southamtpon, with the support of an
ESF-MedCLIVAR Exchange Grant
At CNR-ISMAR (La Spezia) we are involved in:
SOS Bocche di Bonifacio project
SESAME project
Visit the SESAME webpage.
KM3 project
HYMEX project