- Malanotte-Rizzoli, P., Artale, V., Borzelli-Eusebi, G. L., Brenner, S., Civitarese, G., Crise, A., Font, J., Gacic, M., Kress, N., Marullo, S., Ozsoy, E., Ribera d'Alcalà, M., Roether, W., Schroeder, K., Sofianos, S., Tanhua, T., Theocharis, A., Alvarez, M., Ashkenazy, Y., Bergamasco, A., Cardin, V., Carniel, S., D'Ortenzio, F., Garcia-Ladona, E., Garcia-Lafuente, J. M., Gogou, A., Gregoire, M., Hainbucher, D., Kontoyannis, H., Kovacevic, V., Krasakapoulou, E., Krokos, G., Incarbona, A., Mazzocchi, M. G., Orlic, M., Pascual, A., Poulain, P.-M., Rubino, A., Siokou-Frangou, J., Souvermezoglou, E., Sprovieri, M., Taupier-Letage, I., Tintoré, J., and Triantafyllou, G, 2013. Physical forcing and physical/biochemical variability of the Mediterranean Sea: a review of unresolved issues and directions for future research, Ocean Sci. Discuss., 10, 1205-1280, doi:10.5194/osd-10-1205-2013.

- Tanhua T., D. Hainbucher, K. Schroeder, V. Cardin, M. Alvarez, G. Civitarese. The Mediterranean Sea system: a review and an introduction to the special issue. Ocean Sci. Discuss., 10, 581-617, doi:10.5194/osd-10-581-2013, 2013.

- Ben Ismail Hamouda S., K. Schroeder, C. Sammari, G.P. Gasparini, L. Aleya, 2012. Interannual variability of water mass properties in the Tunisia–Sicily Channel. J. Mar. Sys., doi: 10.1016/j.jmarsys.2013.06.010.

- Rice A.E., Book J.W., Carniel S., Russo A., Schroeder K., Wood W.T., 2013. Spring 2009 water mass distribution, mixing and transport in the Southern Adriatic after a low production in winter dense waters. Continental Shelf Research, 64, 33–50.

- Placenti F., K. Schroeder, A. Bonanno, S. Zgozi, M. Sprovieri, M. Borghini, P. Rumolo, G. Cerrati, S. Bonomo, S. Genovese, G. Basilone, D.A. Haddoud, B. Patti, A. El Turki, M. Hamza, S. Mazzola, 2013. Water masses and nutrient distributions in the Gulf of Syrte and between Sicily- Libya area. J. Mar. Sys., 121-122, 36-46.

- Schroeder K., C. Millot, L. Bengara, S. Ben Ismail, M. Bensi, M. Borghini, G. Budillon, V. Cardin, L. Coppola, C. Curtil, A. Drago, B. El Moumni, J. Font, J.L. Fuda, J. García-Lafuente, G.P. Gasparini, H. Kontoyiannis, D. Lefevre, P. Puig, P. Raimbault, G. Rougier, J. Salat, C. Sammari, J.C. Sánchez Garrido, A. Sánchez-Roman, S. Sparnocchia, C. Tamburini, I. Taupier-Letage, A. Theocharis, M. Vargas-Yáñez, and A. Vetrano, 2013. Long-term monitoring programme of the hydrological variability in the Mediterranean Sea: a first overview of the HYDROCHANGES network. Ocean Sci., 9, 1-24, doi:10.5194/os-9-1-2013.

- Gacic M., K. Schroeder, Civitarese G., S. Cosoli, A. Vetrano, G. L. Eusebi-Borzelli, 2013. Salinity in the Sicily Channel corroborates the role of the Adriatic–Ionian Bimodal Oscillating System (BiOS) in shaping the decadal variability of the Mediterranean overturning circulation. Ocean Sci., 9, 83–90, doi:10.5194/os-9-83-2013.

- Alvarez A., Chiggiato J., Schroeder K., 2013. Mapping sub-surface geostrophic currents from altimetry and a fleet of gliders. Deep Sea Research Part I, doi: 10.1016/j.dsr.2012.10.014.

- Puig P., Durrieu De Madron X., Salat J., Schroeder K., Martin J., Karageorgis A.P., Palanques A., Roullier F., Lopez-Jurado J.L., Emelianov M., Moutin T., Houpert L., 2013. Thick bottom nepheloid layers in the Western Mediterranean generated by dense shelf water cascading. Progress in Oceanography, doi:10.1016/j.pocean.2012.10.003.

- Griffa A., A. Haza, T. M. Özgökmen, A. Molcard, V. Taillandier, K. Schroeder, Y. Chang, P.M. Poulain, 2013. Investigating transport pathways in the ocean. Deep Sea Research Part II, 85, 81-95, doi:10.1016/j.dsr2.2012.07.031.

- Schroeder K., J. Chiggiato, A. C. Haza, A. Griffa, T. M. Ozgökmen, P. Zanasca, A. Molcard, M. Borghini, P. M. Poulain, R. Gerin, E. Zambianchi, P. Falco, C. Trees, 2012. Targeted Lagrangian sampling of submesoscale dispersion at a coastal frontal zone. Geophys. Res. Lett., Vol. 39, L11608, doi:10.1029/2012GL051879.
- Kovačević V., B.B. Manca, L. Ursella, K. Schroeder, S. Cozzi, M. Burca, E. Mauri, R. Gerin, G. Notarstefano, D. Deponte, 2012. Water mass properties and dynamical conditions of the Eastern Mediterranean in June 2007. Progress in Oceanography, accepted.

- Cucco, A., Sinerchia, M., Ribotti, A., Olita, A., Fazioli, L., Sorgente, B., Perilli, A., Borghini, M., Schroeder, K, and Sorgente, R., 2012. A high resolution real time forecasting system for predicting the fate of oil-spills in the Strait of Bonifacio (western Mediterranean). Marine Pollution Bulletin, 64, 1186-1200.

- Vargas-Yáñez M., P. Zunino, K. Schroeder, J.L. López-Jurado, F. Plaza, M. Serra, C. Castro, M.C. García-Martínez, F. Moya, 2012. Extreme Western Intermediate Water formation in winter 2010. J. Mar. Syst, doi:10.1016/j.jmarsys.2012.05.010.

- Cucco A., A. Ribotti, A. Olita, L. Fazioli, B. Sorgente, M. Sinerchia, A. Satta, A. Perilli, M. Borghini, K. Schroeder, and R. Sorgente, 2012. Oil spills prediction in the Bonifacio strait area, western Mediterranean. Ocean Sci. Discuss., 9, 585-609.
- Zunino P., Schroeder K., M. Vargas-Yáñez, G.P. Gasparini, L. Coppola, M.C. García-Martínez, F. Moya-Ruiz, 2012. Effects of the Western Mediterranean Transition on the resident water masses: pure warming, pure freshening and pure heaving. Journal of Marine Systems, 96–97, 15–23, doi: j.jmarsys.2012.01.011.

- Schroeder K., A. C. Haza, A. Griffa, T. M. Özgökmen, P. M. Poulain, R. Gerin, G. Peggion, M. Rixen, 2011. Relative dispersion in the Liguro-Provencal basin: from sub-mesoscale to mesoscale. Deep Sea Research, Part I, doi:10.1016/j.dsr.2010.11.004.

- Sparnocchia S., Gasparini G.P., Schroeder K., Borghini M., 2011. Oceanographic conditions in the NEMO region during KM3NeT project (April 2006 - May 2009). Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A, doi: 10.1016/j.nima.2010.06.231.
- Bo M., M. Bertolini, M. Borghini, M. Castellano, A. Covazzi Harriague, C.G. Di Camillo, G.P. Gasparini, C. Misic, P. Povero, A. Pusceddu, K. Schroeder, G. Bavestrello, 2011. Characteristics of the Mesophotic Megabenthic Assemblages of the Vercelli Seamount (North Tyrrhenian Sea). PLoS ONE 6(2): e16357. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0016357.
- Schroeder K., Josey S.A., Herrmann M., Grignon L., Gasparini G.P., Bryden H.L., 2010. Abrupt warming and salting of the Western Mediterranean Deep Water after 2005: atmospheric forcings and lateral advection. J. Geophys. Res., doi: 10.1029/2009JC005749.
... see also Nature Geoscience (vol. 3) Research Highlights (June 2010) 
- Grignon L., Smeed D., Bryden H.L., Schroeder K., 2010. Importance of the variability of hydrographic preconditioning for deep convection in the Gulf of Lions, NW Mediterranean. Ocean Sci., 6, 573–586, doi:10.5194/os-6-573-2010.

- Vetrano A., Napolitano E., Iacono R., Schroeder K., Gasparini G.P., 2010. Tyrrhenian Sea Circulation and water mass fluxes in spring 2004: observations and model results. J. Geophys. Res., doi:10.1029/2009JC005680.

- Schroeder K., Gasparini G.P., Borghini M., Cerrati G., Delfanti R., 2010. Biogeochemical tracers and fluxes in the Western Mediterranean Sea, spring 2005. Journal of Marine Systems 80: 8-24, doi: 10.1016/j.jmarsys.2009.08.002.

- Budillon G., Gasparini G.P., Schroeder K., 2009. Persistence of an Eddy Signature in the Central Tyrrhenian Basin. Deep Sea Research, Part II, doi: 10.1016/j.dsr2.2008.07.027.

- Schroeder K., Ribotti A., Borghini M., Sorgente R., Perilli A., Gasparini G.P., 2008. An extensive Western Mediterranean Deep Water Renewal between 2004 and 2006. Geophys. Res. Lett., 35, L18605, doi: 10.1029/2008GL035146.
- Schroeder K., Taillandier V., Vetrano A., Gasparini G.P., 2008. The circulation of the Western Mediterranean Sea in spring 2005 as inferred from observations and from model outputs. Deep Sea Research, Part I, 55, 947-965.

- Schroeder K., Borghini M., Cerrati G., Difesca V., Delfanti R., Santinelli C., Gasparini G.P., 2008. Multiparametric Mixing Analysis of the Deep Waters in the Western Mediterranean Sea. Chemistry and Ecology, 24(1), 47-56.
- Gasparini G.P., Bonanno A., Zgozi S., Basilone G., Borghini M., Buscaino G., Cutitta A., Essarbout N., Mazzola S., Patti B., Ramadan A.B., Schroeder K., Bahri T., Massa F., 2008. Evidence of a dense water vein along the Libyan continental margin. Annales Geophysicae, 26, 1-6.

- Schroeder K., Gasparini G.P., Tangherlini M., Astraldi M., 2006. Deep and Intermediate Water in the Western Mediterranean under the influence of the Eastern Mediterranean Transient. Geophys. Res. Lett. 33, doi: 10.1028/2006GL02712.

- Schroeder K., J. Garcìa-Lafuente, S.A. Josey, V. Artale, B. Buongiorno Nardelli, A. Carrillo, M. Gačić, G.P. Gasparini, M. Herrmann, P. Lionello, W. Ludwig, C. Millot, E. Özsoy, G. Pisacane, J.C. Sánchez-Garrido, G. Sannino, R. Santoleri, S. Somot, M. Struglia, E. Stanev, I. Taupier-Letage, M.N. Tsimplis, M. Vargas-Yáñez, V. Zervakis, G. Zodiatis, 2012. Chapter 3: Circulation of the Mediterranean Sea and its variability. In: The Climate of the Mediterranean Region, from the past to the future. Ed. P. Lionello. Elsevier Insights, Amsterdam.
- Lionello P., Abrantes F., Congedi L., Dulac F., Gomis D., Goodess C., Hoff H., Kutiel H., Luterbacher J., Planton S., Reale M., Schroeder K., Struglia M.V., Toreti A., Tsimplis M., Ulbrich U., Xoplaki E., 2012. Introduction: Mediterranean Climate – Background Information. In: The Climate of the Mediterranean Region, from the past to the future. Ed. P. Lionello. Elsevier Insights, Amsterdam.

- Schroeder K., G.P. Gasparini, M. Borghini, S. Sparnocchia, A. Vetrano, F. Grilli, M. Marini, E. Paschini, 2012. The monitoring of thermohaline variability in the Mediterranean combining continuous strait measurements and periodic basin scale surveys. In: Designing Med-SHIP: a Program for repeated oceanographic surveys, CIESM Workshop Monographs, n.° 43, Supetar (Brac Island, Croatia), in press.
- Gasparini G.P., Schroeder K., Sparnocchia S., Borghini M., 2011. Interannual Variability in the Mediterranean Sea: a Long-Term Monitoring Strategy. In: Marine Research at CNR. Ed.: Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - Roma, pg. 1487-1493.

- Vetrano A., K. Schroeder, G.P. Gasparini, E. Napolitano, R. Iacono, 2011. Tyrrhenian Sea Circulation: Observations and Model Results. In: Marine Research at CNR. Ed.: Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - Roma, pg. 1337-1348.

- Ribotti A., M. Borghini, K. Schroeder, A. Satta, B. Sorgente, R. Gerin, A. Cucco, A. Olita, L. Fazioli, R. Giovannini, R. Sorgente, 2011. Current Measurements in the Bonifacio Mouths and La Maddalena Archipelago: First Analyses. In: Marine Research at CNR. Ed.: Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - Roma, pg. 891-902.

- Griffa A., K. Schroeder, S. Aliani, A. Doglioli, A. Molcard, V. Taillandier, P.M. Poulan, T. Ozgokmen, A. Haza, 2011. The Roads of the Sea - Can We Predict the Motion of Particles Carried by Ocean Currents? In: Marine Research at CNR. Ed.: Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - Roma, pg. 1257-1268.

- Bergamasco A., P. Del Negro, S. Aliani, K. Schroeder, M. Celussi, S. Carniel, M. Sclavo, 2011. Antarctic Shelf Slope Dynamics and Deep Ventilation of the Southern Ocean. In: Marine Research at CNR. Ed.: Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - Roma, pg. 1303-1310.

- Schroeder K., Gasparini G.P., Borghini M., Ribotti A., 2009. Experimental evidences of the recent abrupt changes in the deep Western Mediterranean Sea. In: Dynamics of Mediterranean Deep Waters, CIESM Workshop Monographs, n. 38, Qwara, Malta.
Gasparini G.P., Schroeder K., Sparnocchia S., 2008. Straits and Channels as key regions of an integrated marine observatory of the Mediterranean: our experience on their long-term monitoring. In: Towards Integrated Mediterranean Marine Observatories, CIESM Workshop Monographs, n.° 34, 75-79.
- Gasparini G.P., Schroeder K., Vetrano A., Astraldi M., 2007. Canali e stretti quali punti di osservazione privilegiata per lo studio della variabilità interannuale nel bacino Mediterraneo. In: Clima e cambiamenti climatici: le attività di ricerca del CNR. Ed.: Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - Roma, pg. 521-524.

- Schroeder K., 2004. Porewater Leakage im Hedwigenkooger Watt. In: Colijn F., Tischler T., Annual Report 2002/2003, Forschungs- und Technologie-Zentrum Westkueste Buesum, p. 11-14, Heide, Boyens Offset, ISBN/ISSN: 0943-3619.
- Schroeder K. (Invited), G. P. Gasparini, H. L. Bryden, M. Borghini, S. Sparnocchia, A. Vetrano, 2011, Thermohaline variability in the western Mediterranean Sea. Workshop on the Variability of the Eastern and Western Mediterranean Circulation and Thermohaline Properties; Similarities and Differences, on the occasion of 25 years of the project Physical Oceanography of the Eastern Mediterranean – POEM, 7-9 November 2011, Rome.
- Schroeder K., (Invited), 2011, Thermohaline variability in the western Mediterranean Sea. MedCLIVAR Final Conference, Mediterranean Climate: From Past to Future, Lecce, Italy, 6-9 June 2011.
- Schroeder K., (Invited), 2011, The monitoring of thermohaline variability in the Mediterranean combining continuous strait monitoring and periodic basin scale surveys. CIESM Research Workshop n. 43 on Planning repeated basin-wide surveys for climatic studies in the Mediterranean Sea, Croatia, 11-14 May 2011.
- Schroeder, K., Gasparini, G.P., Basilone, G., Ben Ismail, S., Borghini, M., Buongiorno Nardelli, B., Cerrati, G., Cuarana, L., Delfanti, R., De Luca, B., Mazzocchi, M.G., Sammari, C., Santinelli, C., Santoleri, R., Schirone, A., and Sparnocchia, S. (2011), Multidisciplinary characterization of the Sicily Channel during SESAME. SESAME Final Scientific Conference, Athens, Greece, 4-8 April 2011.
- Schroeder, K., Haza, A. C., Griffa, A., Özgökmen, T. M., Poulain, P.-M., R. Gerin, G. Peggion, M. Rixen (2010). Relative dispersion in the Liguro-Provencal basin: from submesoscale to mesoscale. Maritime Rapid Environment Assessment Conference MREA10, Villa Marigola, Lerici, Italy, October 2010 (Best Oral Presentation Award).
- Schroeder K. (Invited), Josey S. A., Herrmann M., Grignon L., Gasparini G.P., Bryden H.L. (2010), Abrupt warming and salting of the Western Mediterranean Deep Water after 2005. 5th ESF-MedCLIVAR-ICTP Workshop "Scenarios of Mediterranean Climate Change under Increased Radiative Active Gas Concentration and the Role of Aerosols", September 2010, Trieste.
- Schroeder K., S. Sparnocchia, L. Coppola, G.P. Gasparini, M. Borghini (2010), Contribution to the Mediterranean Sea water and heat budget definition: links between the Tyrrhenian and the Liguro-Provencal subbasins. 4th HyMeX workshop, 8-10 June 2010 (poster).
- Schroeder K. (Invited), V. Cardin, J. Font, J. Fuda, J. Garcia Lafuente, P. Puig, I. Taupier-Letage, L. Bengara, S. Ben Ismail, M. Bensi, Borghini M., C. Curtil, J. Delgado, C. Millot, B. El Moumni, J. G.P. Gasparini, D. Lefevre, J, Lopez-Jurado, P. Raimbault, G. Rougier, J. Salat, C. Sammari, A. Sanchez-Roman, C. Tamburini, A. Theocharis, M. Vargas-Yanez (2010), HYDROCHANGES network: latest observations and links between time series. 39th CIESM Congress, Venice, 10-14 May 2010.
- Schroeder, K., Gasparini, G.P., Sparnocchia, S. (2010), New hydrographic scenarios in the Western Mediterranean: a possible monitoring strategy. In: Proceedings of OceanObs'09: Sustained Ocean Observations and Information for Society (Annex), Venice, Italy, 21-25 September 2009, Hall, J., Harrison, D.E. & Stammer, D., Eds., ESA Publication WPP-306.
- Schroeder K., Bryden H.L., Gasparini G.P., Borghini M., Ribotti A. (2010), A “natural” tracer release event in the Western Mediterranean Sea. 39th CIESM Congress, Venice, 10-14 May 2010.
- Schroeder K., Garcia-Lafuente J., Gasparini G.P., Sanchez-Roman A. (2009), Transfer of internal changes from the Mediterranean Sea to the outflow at Gibraltar. 4th ESF MedCLIVAR Workshop, Sesimbra, Portugal, 28th – 30th September 2009.
- Schroeder K., Gasparini G.P., Borghini M., Bonanno A, Zgozi S., Ramadan A.B. (2009). First observations of a dense cold vein along the continental margin off Libya. GEOITALIA 2009, Rimini, 9th-11th September 2009.
- Schroeder K., R. Sorgente, A. Cucco, A. Ribotti, M. Borghini (2009), "SOS-Bocche di Bonifacio": management of environmental emergencies due to oil spills in the International Strait of the Bonifacio Mouth. LAPCOD 2009, La Londe-les-Maures, 7th-11th September 2009.
- Schroeder K., G.P. Gasparini, S. Sparnocchia, M. Herrmann (2009), Monitoring, detection and attribution of thermohaline stability and variability in the Western Mediterranean Sea. 3rd HyMeX workshop, 1-4 June 2009 (poster).
- Schroeder K. (Invited), G.P. Gasparini, Borghini M., Ribotti A. (2009), Experimental evidences of the recent abrupt changes in the deep Western Mediterranean Sea. 38th CIESM Workshop, Malta, 27th – 30th May 2009.
- Schroeder K., S.A. Josey, M. Herrmann, L. Grignon, G.P. Gasparini, H.L. Bryden (2009), The role of atmospheric forcing and lateral advection in setting the properties of the Western Mediterranean Deep Water formed in winters 2004/05 and 2005/06. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, 19th – 24th April 2009.
- Schroeder K. (Invited), Borghini M., Sparnocchia S., Gasparini G.P. (2008), Abrupt Changes Observed in the Deep Western Mediterranean Sea between 2004 and 2006, 3rd ESF MedCLIVAR Workshop held in Rhodes, 29th September – 1st October 2008.
- Schroeder, K., M. Borghini, G. Cerrati, V. Difesca, R. Delfanti, G. Gasparini, A. Vetrano (2007), Nutrient Distributions And Flux Estimates In The Western Mediterranean Sea, 38th CIESM Congress, Istanbul, 9th – 13th April 2007.
- Schroeder, K., M. Borghini, G. Cerrati, V. Difesca, R. Delfanti, G.P. Gasparini (2006), Analisi multiparametrica di mixing delle acque profonde del Mediterraneo Occidentale, V Convegno Nazionale per le Scienze del Mare, CONISMA, Viareggio, 14th – 18th November 2006.
- Schroeder, K., D. Bacciola, M. Borghini, G. Cerrati, R. Delfanti, G. P. Gasparini (2006), Distribuzione e flussi di nutrienti inorganici disciolti nel Mar Mediterraneo Occidentale (primavera 2005), XVII Congresso dell’Associazione Italiana di Oceanologia e Limnologia, Napoli, 3rd – 7th July 2006.
- Schroeder, K., G. P. Gasparini, M. Tangherlini (2006), Hydrographic Structures in the Western Mediterranean Sea after the Eastern Mediterranean Transient, EGU Conference, Vienna, 3rd – 7th April 2006.
- Ribotti A., M. Borghini, A. Cucco, E. De Domenico, V. Dibenedetto, L. Fazioli, L. Genovese, G. Iaria, A. Olita, F. Raffa, K. Schroeder, R. Sorgente, and N. Spanò (2012), PRIAMO project: a feasibility study on Sicilian sites for sea power plants in coastal waters. EGU Conference, Vienna, 22-27 April 2012.
- Rice A.E., J. W. Book, S. Carniel, K. Schroeder, and W.T. Wood (2012), Analysis of Southern Adriatic Water mass distribution, mixing and transport in the spring of 2009. 2012 Ocean Sciences Meeting, 20-24 February 2012, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA.
- Bryden H. L., K. Schroeder, M. Borghini (2011), The Mediterranean is getting saltier. Workshop on the Variability of the Eastern and Western Mediterranean Circulation and Thermohaline Properties; Similarities and Differences, on the occasion of 25 years of the project Physical Oceanography of the Eastern Mediterranean – POEM, 7-9 November 2011, Rome.
- Kovačević V., B. B. Manca, L. Ursella, K. Schroeder, S. Cozzi, M. Burca, E. Mauri, R. Gerin, G. Notarstefano, D. Deponte (2011), The Eastern Mediterranean in June 2007 and a look back at the Eastern Mediterranean Transient. Workshop on the Variability of the Eastern and Western Mediterranean Circulation and Thermohaline Properties; Similarities and Differences, on the occasion of 25 years of the project Physical Oceanography of the Eastern Mediterranean – POEM, 7-9 November 2011, Rome
- Bryden H.L., K. Schroeder, G.P. Gasparini, S. Sparnocchia (2011), Abrupt changes observed in the deep Western Mediterranean. IUGG, Melbourne, 28 June-7 July 2011.
- Bergamasco A., A. Gordon, S. Carniel, M. Sclavo, K. Schroeder, et al. (2011), Downslope Flows and Boundary Currents off Cape Adare (Antarctica): observations and modeling. IUGG, Melbourne, 28 June-7 July 2011.
- Sparnocchia S., A. Sanchez-Roman, K. Schroeder, G.P. Gasparini, M. Borghini (2011), Seasonal and interannual variability of subsurface waters fl owing through the Strait of Sicily during the last decade. IUGG, Melbourne, 28 June-7 July 2011.
- Sparnocchia S., K. Schroeder, L. Coppola, G.P. Gasparini, M. Borghini (2011), A contribution to the Mediterranean Sea water and heat budget defi nition: links between the Tyrrhenian and the Ligurian Seas. IUGG, Melbourne, 28 June-7 July 2011.
- Rice A., Book J., Carniel S., Prandke H., Schroeder K., and Wood W. (2011), A qualitative study of the mixing dynamics in the Southern Adriatic Sea in March 2009. EGU Conference, Vienna, 3rd – 8th April 2011.
- Ben Ismail S. H., Schroeder, K., Sammari, C., Gasparini, G.P. (2011), Interannual variability of water masses properties in the Sicily Channel. SESAME Final Scientific Conference, Athens, Greece, 4-8 April 2011.
- Santinelli C., Abbate M., Buongiorno Nardelli B., Cerrati G., Colella S., De Domenico E., Delfanti R, Gasparini G.P., Goyet C., Lavezza R., Mazzocchi M.G., Ribera d‘Alcalà M., Schirone A., Schroeder K., Smedile F., Tamburini C., A. Zingone (2011), Early Spring Carbon Dynamics in the Western Mediterranean Sea: Influence of Different Trophic and Dynamic Regimes. SESAME Final Scientific Conference, Athens, Greece, 4-8 April 2011.
- Santinelli C., Zeri C., Berto D., Gasparini G.P., Giani M., Kioroglou S., Kovačević V., Lavezza R., Rampazzo F., Schroeder K., Tsoliakos D. (2011), DOC dynamics in the Mediterranean Sea during Spring and Fall 2008. Results from the SESAME cruises. SESAME Final Scientific Conference, Athens, Greece, 4-8 April 2011.
- Delfanti, R., Conte, F., Salvi, S., Schirone, A., Papucci, C., Borghini, M., Schroeder, K., Cardin, V., Kovacevic, V., Oszoy, E., Kaberi E., Tsabaris Ch. (2011), 137-Cs distribution, mass-balance and future trends in the Mediterranean Sea. SESAME Final Scientific Conference, Athens, Greece, 4-8 April 2011.
- Gerin R., Poulain P.-M, Mauri E., Zanasca P., Rixen M., Chiggiato J., Zambianchi E., Falco P., Griffa A., Schroeder K., Borghini M., Molcard A., Testor P. and Mortier L.(2011), The LIgurian Dispersion EXperiment 2010 (LIDEX10): drifter and glider preliminary results. 5th EGO Meeting and glider School, Gran Canaria, Spain, 14-18 March 2011.
- Poulain P.M., M. Borghini, J. Chiggiato, P. Falco, E. Zambianchi, R. Gerin, A. Griffa, K. Schroeder, A. Haza, T. Ozgokmen, E. Mauri, M. Rixen, P. Zanasca and P. Testor (2011), The Ligurian Dispersion Experiment – LIDEX10. Maritime Rapid Environment Assessment Conference MREA10, Villa Marigola, Lerici, Italy, October 2010.
- Martín, J., Puig, P., Durrieu de Madron, X., Schroeder, K., Salat, J., López-Jurado, J.L., Gasparini, G.P., Palanques, A., Emelianov, M., Karageorgis, A.P., Theocharis, A. (2010), Formation of basin-wide bottom nepheloid layers in the western Mediterranean after major dense shelf water cascading events. GEOTRACES Mediterranean Planning Workshop. Nice, France, October 4-6 2010.
- Bergamasco A., Del Negro P., Aliani S., Schroeder K. (2010), Antarctic Bottom Water production off Cape Adare during IPY. IPY Oslo Science Conference, Oslo, Norway, June 2010.
- Bo M., Di Camillo C.G., Bertolino M., Povero P., Misic C., Castellano M., Covazzi Harriague A., Gasparini G.P., Borghini M., Schroeder K., Bavestrello G. (2010), The megabenthic assemblages of the Vercelli Seamount (North Tyrrhenian Sea). 41st Congress SIBM, Rapallo, Italy, June 2010.
- Puig P., Durrieu de Madron X., Schroeder K., Salat J., López-Jurado J.L., Gasparini G.P., Palanques A., Emelianov M. (2010), Formation of a basin-wide bottom nepheloid layer in the western Mediterranean after the winter 2005 dense shelf water cascading event. Deep Water Circulation: Processes and Products International Congress, Baiona, Spain, June 2010.
- Sparnocchia S., Gasparini G.P., Schroeder K., Kontoyiannis H., Borghini M. (2010), Hydrographic conditions in the Ionian Sea during the last four years (2006-2009). 39th CIESM Congress, Venice, 10-14 May 2010.
- Puig P., Durrieu De Madron X., Schroeder K., Salat J., Lopez-Jurado J.L., Gasparini G.P., Palanques A., Emelianov M., Karageorgis A.P., Theocharis A. (2010), Thick bottom nepheloid layers in the Western Mediterranean basin generated by dense shelf water cascading. 39th CIESM Congress, Venice, 10-14 May 2010.
- Vetrano A., Napolitano E., Iacono R., Schroeder K., Gasparini G.P. (2010), Tyrrhenian Sea circulation in spring 2004: observation and model results. 39th CIESM Congress, Venice, 10-14 May 2010.
- Zunino P., Schroeder K., Gasparini G.P., Vargas-Yanez M. (2010), Variability on isopycnal and isobaric surfaces associated to the Western Mediterranean Transition. 39th CIESM Congress, Venice, 10-14 May 2010.
- Santinelli C., Abbate M., Buongiorno Nardelli B., Cerrati G., Colella S., Conte F., De Domenico E., Delfanti R., Gasparini G.P., Lavezza R., Mazzocchi M.G., Ribera d’Alcalà M., Schroeder K., Seritti A., Smedile F., Tamburini C., Zingone A. (2010), An integrated study of the early-spring carbon flux in the Western Mediterranean Sea. Results of the SESAME-IT4 cruise. 39th CIESM Congress, Venice, 10-14 May 2010.
- Book J., Burrage D.M., Carniel S., Hobbs R., Martin P.J., Midgely E.A., Rixen M., Schroeder K., Vilibic I., Wood W. (2010), Eddy processes of the western Adriatic current near Cape Gargano. 39th CIESM Congress, Venice, 10-14 May 2010.
- Bergamasco A., Schroeder K., Puig P., Carniel S., Sclavo M. (2010), Process study simulations of the dense shelf water cascading into the Cap de Creus Canyon. 39th CIESM Congress, Venice, 10-14 May 2010.
- Carniel S., Book J., Hobbs R., Wood W., Bergamasco A., Schroeder K., Bortoluzzi G., Prandke H., Sclavo M. (2010), Combining simultaneous seismic reflection and physical oceanographic observations of shelf-slope processes. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, 2nd – 7th May 2010.
- Bergamasco A., M. Sclavo, S. Carniel, K. Schroeder, P. Puig (2010), Dense shelf water cascading into the Cap de Creus Canyon: first process study simulations. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, 2nd – 7th May 2010.
- Book J., Carniel S., Bergamasco A., Bortoluzzi G., Hobbs R., Matic F., Rixen M., Russo A., Schroeder K., Wood W. (2010), A comparison study of North Adriatic Dense Water descent using observations in March, 2006 and March, 2009. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, 2nd – 7th May 2010.
- Puig P., Durrieu de Madron X., Schroeder K., Salat J., López-Jurado J.L., Gasparini G.P., Palanques A., Emelianov M., Karageorgis A., Theocharis A. (2010), Formation of thick bottom nepheloid layers in the western Mediterranean basin after major dense shelf water cascading events. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, 2nd – 7th May 2010.
- Wood W., R. Hobbs, J. Book, K. Schroeder, S. Carniel (2010), A Bayesian Approach to the Estimation of Ocean Temperatures from Seismic Reflection, CTD, and XBT observations. Ocean Sciences Meeting, Portland, Oregon, USA, 22nd-26th February 2010.
- Book J. W., W. Wood, J. Wesson, D. Lindwall, S. Carniel, A. Bergamasco, M. Sclavo, R. Hobbs, K. Schroeder, H. Prandke, G. Bortoluzzi (2010), Seismic Oceanography Observations of the Fine-scale Frontal Structure of a Coastal Cyclonic Filament in the Adriatic. Ocean Sciences Meeting, Portland, Oregon, USA, 22nd-26th February 2010.
- Gasparini G.P., G. Basilone S. Ben Ismail, M. Borghini, B. Buongiorno Nardelli, G. Cerrati, L. Cuarana, R. Delfanti, B. De Luca, M.G. Mazzocchi, C. Sammari, C. Santinelli, R. Santoleri, A. Schirone, K. Schroeder, S. Sparnocchia (2009), Preliminary description of the multidisciplinary activity carried out in the Sicily Strait from October 2007 to September 2008. 2nd SESAME Scientific Workshop, Villefranche, 10-12 November 2009.
- Carniel S., Book J., Hobbs R., Warren W., Bergamasco A., Borghini M., Bortoluzzi G., D'Oriano F., Foglini F., Fortin W., Lindwall D., Madricardo F., Prandke H., Rovere M., Schroeder K., Sclavo M., Wesson J. (2009). Combining simultaneous multi-channel seismic reflections and physical oceanographic observations: the Adriaseismic-09 Cruise. XIX Congresso AIOL, Venice, 22nd-25th September 2009.
- Bergamasco A., Schroeder K., Aliani S., Budillon G., Trevisiol A., Carniel S., Sclavo M.(2009). Antarctic Shelf Slope Interactions: AABW production off Cape Adare during IPY. XIX Congresso AIOL, Venice, 22nd-25th September 2009.
- Book J., Carniel S., Rixen M., Bergamasco A., Borghini M., Bortoluzzi G., Hobbs R., Matic F., Russo A., Schroeder K., Wood W. (2009), Observations of Adriatic dense water descent: combining classic oceanographic sampling and new seismic techniques in a comparison study of two winters. GEOITALIA 2009, Rimini, 9th-11th September 2009.
- Carniel S., Book J., Hobbs R., Wood W., Bergamasco A., Borghini M., Bortoluzzi G., D’Oriano F., Foglini F., Fortin W., Lindwall D., Madricardo F., Prandke H., Rovere M., Schroeder K., Sclavo M., Wesson J. (2009), ADRIASEISMIC-09: an example of simultaneous seismic reflection and physical oceanographic observations of shelf-slope processes. GEOITALIA 2009, Rimini, 9th-11th September 2009.
- Hobbs R., Carniel S., Wood W., Bortoluzzi G., Bergamasco A., Borghini M., D’Oriano F., Foglini F., Fortin W., Lindwall D., Madricardo F., Prandke H., Rovere M., Schroeder K., Sclavo M., Wesson J. (2009), Mapping southern Adriatic Sea structures using multi-channel seismic reflection data: preliminary results. GEOITALIA 2009, Rimini, 9th-11th September 2009.
- Gasparini G.P., Schroeder K., Sparnocchia S., Borghini M., Bacciola D. (2009), New hydrographic scenarios in the Western Mediterranean during the last 20 years and the possible influence of the EMT. GEOITALIA 2009, Rimini, 9th-11th September 2009.
- Sparnocchia S., Gasparini G.P., Schroeder K., Borghini M., Bacciola D. (2009), Recent changes in the abyssal layer of the Ionian Sea after the restarted production of Adriatic Deep Water. GEOITALIA 2009, Rimini, 9th-11th September 2009.
- Del Negro P., Celussi M., Crevatin E., De Vittor C., Aliani S., Schroeder K., Bergamasco A. (2009), Ross Sea shelf break cascading events: role of entrainment processes on the microbial community. GEOITALIA 2009, Rimini, 9th- 11th September 2009.
- Sparnocchia S., G.P. Gasparini, K. Schroeder, M. Borghini, D. Bacciola (2009), Remarkable Interannual Variability of Water Properties and Circulation in the Deep Layers of the Mediterranean Sea. MOCA-09 Joint Assembly, Montreal, 19th – 29th July 2009.
- Bergamasco A., S. Aliani, K. Schroeder (2009), Antarctic Bottom Water production from the Ross Sea during Feb 2006 - Feb 2008. MOCA-09 Joint Assembly, Montreal, 19th – 29th July 2009.
- Delfanti, R., Gasparini, G. P., Schroeder, K., Cocito, S., Peirano, A., Picco, P., Aliani, S., Griffa, A. (2009), ELIOS (Eastern Ligurian Interdisciplinary Observing System): a module of the integrated system of Mediterranean observatories. ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting 2009, 25th-30th January, Nice.
- Bergamasco, A., Del Negro, P., Aliani, S., Celussi, M., Crevatin, E., Schroeder, K., Trevisiol, A. (2009), High salinity shelf water signature in the new formed AABW near Cape Adare: implications for dark ocean ecosystems. ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting 2009, 25th-30th January, Nice.
- Gasparini G.P., Schroeder K., Bacciola D., Borghini M., Sparnocchia S. (2008), Nuovi scenari nell’idrologia del canale di Sicilia e del bacino Tirrenico, come conseguenza della propagazione dell’EMT dal Mediterraneo orientale all’occidentale, VI Convegno Nazionale per le Scienze del Mare, CONISMA, Lecce, 4th-8th November 2008.
- Budillon G., G. P. Gasparini, K. Schroeder (2008), Persistenza di un una struttura a mesoscala nel settore centrale del Mar Tirreno, VI Convegno Nazionale per le Scienze del Mare, CONISMA, Lecce, 4th-8th November 2008 (poster).
- Sparnocchia S., G. P. Gasparini, K. Schroeder, D. Bacciola, M. Borghini, F. Polonelli (2008), Cambiamenti recenti nello strato abissale del Mar Ionio occidentale conseguenti alla ripresa della produzione di acque dense adriatiche, VI Convegno Nazionale per le Scienze del Mare, CONISMA, Lecce, 4th-8th November 2008 (poster).
- Gasparini G.P., Schroeder K., Sparnocchia S. (2008), New hydrographic scenarios in the Western Mediterranean during the last 20 years, 2nd HyMeX Workshop, 2nd – 4th June 2008 (poster).
- Gasparini G.P., Schroeder K., Vetrano A. (2007), Hydrographic and transport variability in the Sicily Strait, GEOITALIA 2007, Rimini, 12th – 14th September 2007.
- Vetrano A., Orsi Relini L., Palandri G., Gasparini G. P., Schroeder K. (2007), Krill and whales abundance in the Ligurian Sea: looking for the influence of hydrological and morphological factors in biophysical interaction, GEOITALIA 2007, Rimini, 12th – 14th September 2007.
- Crise A., Lazzari P., Salon S., Trevisani S., Béranger K., Schroeder K. (2007), Decadal simulations of the Mediterranean Sea ecosystem with a 3D Biogeochemical model. GEOITALIA 2007, Rimini, 12th – 14th September 2007.
- Gasparini, G. P., K. Schroeder, E. Tesi, A. Vetrano, M. Astraldi (2007), New Hydrographic Scenarios In The Western Mediterranean As A Consequence Of The Emt Propagation, 38th CIESM Congress, Istanbul, 9th – 13th April 2007.
- Santinelli, C., G. Gasparini, M. Ribera D’Alcalà, K. Schroeder, L. Nannicini, A. Seritti (2007), Export Of Dissolved Organic Carbon To Deep Waters In Western Mediterranean, 38th CIESM Congress, Istanbul, 9th – 13th April 2007 (poster).
- Tangherlini, M., R. Delfanti, G.P. Gasparini, K. Schroeder, R. Lavezza (2006), Chemical Signature of the Water Masses Flowing through the Sicily Strait, EGU Conference, Vienna, 3rd – 7th April 2006.
- Tangherlini, M., K. Schroeder, A. Vetrano, G.P. Gasparini (2006), An Estimation of Water, Salt and Heat Transports in the Tyrrhenian Sea using an Inverse Box Model, EGU Conference, Vienna, 3rd – 7th April 2006 (poster).
Schroeder K., MEDOCC 05 - Cruise Report, 2005.
Borghini M. and Schroeder K., MEDOCC 06 - Cruise Report, 2006.
Borghini M. and Schroeder K., MEDGOOS 11 - Cruise Report, 2006.
Schroeder K. and Borghini M., SESAME-KM3 - Cruise Report, 2008.
Schroeder K. and Borghini M., TYRRMOUNTS09-leg1 - Cruise Report, 2009.
Schroeder K. and Borghini M., Processamento dei dati ADCP utilizzando il CODAS Software System, 2005.